Ship Photographs
Here you will find a mix of old and new ship photographs.
Classic old steam ships, to liners and warships, all in no particular order.
Take your time to browse through, we hope that the pictures which have been sourced from all over have no copyright issues and are presented here for information only.
We still have many more categories to go into the Ships Photo Gallery, so please send us in your photographs and lets build a large data-base of ship photographs for all to enjoy.
If you feel that any picture has a copyright issue then let us know and it will be removed.

Classic old Ships

Many of the photographs although by no means all, are from the late A. Green & Don Ross collection's, we would ask that you dont just copy or take them from this site but ask and we shall see what can be done should you wish a copy.
Naval Ships

Australian Navy Ship

Many more Naval Ships will be added over time, keep checking back to see whats new
We shall add a great many more photographs of tugs from all over the world, if you would like to see your own photographs featured on this gallery then please contact Ron@theloftsman.com
The gallery on Tugs both old and new will begin with one of my own favourite the mighty Ocean Going Salvage tug S.A. Wolraad Woltemade built at Leith as Ship No 516 and launched in 1976.
This will build over time into a large gallery of photographs of tugs, we are always looking for more, so if you wish to see your own photographs included then done hesitate to get in touch.
We shall also feature many Offshore Supply Vessels in this gallery as well as the Tugs.

Ols steam tugs

Ships in colour

Describe your image

Many of the ships in colour although not all, came from the collection of Reg Mordecai. Some were taken by F. Hurst while many are my own. Keep checking back for many more.
In this gallery we shall feature photographs on shipbuilding, Photographs from all over the World, not just from the old Leith Shipyards. We want to show just how global an industry shipbuilding is/was. So keep checking back to see what has been added and as ever should you have some photographs that you would wish to see in this shipbuilding gallery then please contact Ron@theloftsman.com
This gallery will feature both old and new ships under construction or being launched, or fitting-out. We have a great many pictures to go in here and it will take some time. We shall aslo feature ships being repaired as the ship repair industry is worth a mention as well.

Like a floating steel mountain the ship rises upwards.

A side launch always creates a splash

Describe your image

Like a floating steel mountain the ship rises upwards.
Classic old Ship Photographs
The following Gallery will feature a great many ship photographs sent in to me by G. Ross, most come from a varied collection and where known this is acknowledge. We are very thankful that Mr Ross has sent them in so that many more people can enjoy, what was a tremendous time in the maritime history of the globe.

Describe your image

Oil & Gas Tankers
Here you will find many old & new ships used for the movement of oil & gas around the globe, keep checking back to see what has been added as we build this library of vessels. Should you have any photographs to add to this list then please contact Ron@theloftsman.com

Describe your image

Cruise Ships & Liners
This library of classic ships will show as many old & new Cruise Ships as we can find, along with some of the classic old Liners that graced the Oceans of the World in days gone by.

ON: 135583 Built by John Brown & Co., Clydebank. Yard No 409, launched in 1913
Aquitania earned the nickname "the Ship Beautiful" from her passengers. Aquitania was the third in Cunard Line's grand trio of express liners, preceded by RMS Mauretania and RMS Lusitania, and was the last surviving four-funnelled ocean liner, broken up in 1950, built in Scotland and scrapped in Scotland.
Photo Credits: The Alexander Turnbull Library New Zealand

Describe your image

Coasters & Short Sea Traders
Here we pay homage to the hundreds of small ships that trade between countries close by, also Fishing vessels along with any other small ship photographs we find. lets not forget the dredgers without which the waterways would be closed to the larger ships.
This will take time to populate but keep checking back with us, and if you have any photographs to include then dont forget to send them in to the website.

Describe your image

Ships with sails
As the heading says this is where you will find the images of ships with sails, all kinds of vessels all with sails.

We still have lots of room for pictures of ships, if you have any you wish to see featured here on the website then please just contact myself and I shall give instructions on how we shall upload your pictures, thanks.